
Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Tasks and studies might fill up the most of our times, but I believe we shouldn't let them take our time to do things we love and time for our family and friends (friends, not classmates not teammates not organization-mates, though they may overlap). Our hobbies, family, and friends have as much right as the tasks to fill our time. Never think of times spending with them as wastes.

There is even one more thing we shouldn't forget. God, above all, has the right for all our time. In our busy times, it might be hard to pray and remember God, but don't forget that those prayers could help make those hard times easier.

The most productive person, for me, is not the one who can do his/her tasks fast. Not the one who can handle the most number of classes. But the one who, with the same 24 hours he/she has a day, can do his/her study well while still living his/her passion and maintaning a good relationship with his/her family, friends, and the most important one, God.

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